All the criteria for choosing the right school

choosing the right school

Pedagogical resources, professional network, high-level teaching staff, infrastructures, associative life, environment… So many criteria which can guide your choice of a school and which are not limited to simple reputation!

It is not always easy for some students to clearly explain the real motivations that led them to set their sights on one school rather than another. Educational excellence does not always preside over their aspirations. Quite the contrary.

Admittedly, there are authentic quality criteria, but for many of them, past the competitions, other elements of comparison will come into play. The fact is that not everyone can join HEC or Polytechnique .

There are many reasons to take advantage of your student years both personally and professionally.It is therefore up to you to find the school that best suits your professional project .

THE orientation fair not to be missed!

Don’t miss a unique opportunity to come and meet the biggest business & management schools, the biggest engineering schools but also the CPGEs (preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles) and the common competitions that lead to them!  For this, go to the Salon Studyrama des Grandes Ecoles organized in Paris this weekend.

A unique opportunity to discover the establishments and discuss with the directors, teachers and students to ask them all your questions!

Educational means

In addition to a teaching body and quality teaching and research activities, the schools provide material resources far superior to those of the universities: well-appointed premises, computer equipment, language laboratories, sports facilities, libraries and databases.  … Tuition fees , sometimes high, allow them to afford the best existing logistics.

The atmosphere and the quality of life

Quality of life is an important criterion. Aiming for  art because you practice surfing intensely is not fanciful. Between air, water, snow and land, Grenoble School of Management and the schools of Grenoble INP “without complex” attract fans of skiing and new technologies.

Some students will feel more comfortable on a small campus , others will feel the need to evolve near a big city . Some will opt for a given place because of its proximity to their family residence, others will be sensitive to the general atmosphere that reigns on campus. s.

Regional economic dynamism

Few candidates take this into account, but the regional positioning, such as the economic environment, the industrial partnerships of a school are also important criteria.  They are decisive in pedagogical developments and have an impact on internships or opportunities offered in work-study programs and apprenticeships , employment and teaching.  All the schools maintain close relations with the territorial actors ( local authorities, CCI, etc.). Other schools develop their training according to their border positioning (Franco-Spanish, Franco-Germanic, etc.).

A leading community life

Of lesser importance at first sight, the associative life of a school is in reality essential. Immersing yourself in the extracurricular activities of an establishment often proves to be very enriching and very formative. Students who engage in associative activities in parallel (BDE, sport, junior enterprise, solidarity, cultural…) of their training can thus concretize their passion and use their knowledge within the framework of ambitious projects.  You should also know that recruiters are very sensitive to students who have participated in the community life of their school .

Other criteria for choosing

Finally, outlets, professional integration or the “employability” of schools, the academic and geographical origin of students, the possibilities of continuing their studies, teaching conditions (predominance of lecture hall courses or courses in small sections ), the effectiveness of the alumni network, international exchanges , the school environment (premises, geographical location, transport, catering, accommodation, etc. ) are also criteria to be taken into account when choosing a school.

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