Distance lessons. Advantages and disadvantages of online learning

online learning

Today, all educational institutions in our country and many others are under quarantine. This is how the government of different states are trying to reduce the threat of a massive spread of a new type of virus (Covid-19).

But the question is, what should a healthy population do? How do people spend time profitably for the future? After all, counting on the fact that technical schools, institutes and universities will open soon is not worth it. Government agencies are trying to use various mobile apps such as Viber to bring the year to a logical end. However, continuing education, language and other courses certainly have problems and are completely blocked due to the traffic and work ban.

Do not get angry and delay studying indefinitely. Today, there is a huge selection of educational programs. Anyone can enroll in courses of interest online, complete various programs remotely. This format allows you to master your favorite specialty with a large number of people who do not have enough time and financial means to access higher education in the traditional way.  Online education is particularly relevant in light of recent events in which the world is facing a pandemic. Here is a constant and alarming debate about the benefits of distance education. Is it affordable and effective? Then we will help you understand and discover all the advantages and disadvantages of such teaching format.

Who is an online education for?

For several years, the state has authorized the conduct of distance education. The format is accessible to large segments of the population. There are even online schools offering secondary education services for children. It is much more difficult to organize a child, but it is an issue for parents working abroad and traveling with the whole family.

After leaving school or if they want to find a profession, people decide on the dilemma – to study or to earn a living. After all, a typical student has no income and is forced to expect only future benefits. Survival in elementary school is often a priority, especially in young families. But it is possible to combine online learning with work.

Benefits of Distance Learning

The ability to communicate via the Internet opens up opportunities not only for students, but also for teachers. The alternative attracts both categories and has two sides of the same coin.

Flexible hours

The freedom to choose students in universities is often limited to a few courses. There are compulsory courses, far from preferences.

Another disadvantage is the daily morning rise. By choosing online studies, you can change the schedule yourself, it’s up to you to choose the courses. The student is not obliged to strictly follow the schedule. Lectures can be viewed at least at night or learn a lesson on the go using a smartphone.

Not everyone can go to the capital to enter popular universities. Travel entails huge expenses and the competition is hugeTherefore, it is real to acquire knowledge from experienced professionals and have a degree from a prestigious university without leaving the walls of your home.

Reasonable prices

Students from other cities pay for meals and accommodation. If you are lucky enough to study in your own city, you will not be able to work and receive a sufficient salary for your life. But distance education allows you to work full time, and the cost of lessons is much cheaper than traditional education.

Territorial freedom also applies to existing managers living in remote areas. Today, many train. Going to seminars or face-to-face trainings is quite difficult. Online trainings have occupied a worthy niche, as they are convenient for both organizers and participants.

The opportunity to study for everyone

Thanks to the online format, people with disabilities were able to find a job. There is a category of people who hardly tolerate close communication. Shy students find it easier to learn at home. There is no pressure, no need to think about appearance.

Now any difficult course can be seen in the recording. It is possible to ignore the unnecessary, in general, to save time. Messengers are designed to communicate and solve problems at any time, and e-mail will allow you to receive training manuals and other documents.

Teachers are also using the benefits of online learning. They can achieve high results and efficiency with the help of practical tools. These include tests, presentations, videos, screenshots and chats. The student has several opportunities to review a hard-to-learn lesson. It is easier for the teacher to follow the progress of the students. For this, special programs are developed with practical tests, evaluations and statistics. Having knowledge, experience and a desire to train, there is the possibility of additional income.

Courses and webinars in electronic form – a lifeline for entrepreneurs. You can train staff inexpensively without encountering difficulties with a temporary absence of workers. This approach is particularly popular in companies where employee turnover is observed. After creating your own training or using the services offered, you do not need to constantly fill and pay for a trainer. Also worth noting is the ability to work from anywhere, without losing a professional look. Even late for a lecture, you can still connect to a lesson using a smartphone and mobile apps.


The effectiveness of online education has two aspects and cannot be considered unambiguously. E-learning is developing rapidly and has many advantages! The modern way of life requires specialists who are ready to constantly learn. Therefore, remote forms will not lose their appeal!

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