Tef exam classes & preparation in delhi

TEF Exam Classes

Discover TEF Exam Classes and Preparation in Delhi at the School of French

At the School of French in Delhi, we provide comprehensive TEF Exam Classes and Preparation to equip students with the necessary skills for the Test d’Evaluation de Français (TEF) examination. This preparation is essential for those seeking to enhance their job prospects or secure admission to prestigious universities.

What is TEF?

Recognized officially since 2012 by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education, and Research, the TEF for studies in France assesses both written and spoken French proficiency. It is a crucial requirement for foreign students applying for first-year undergraduate programs in French universities.

To be eligible for the first year of a permit in France, candidates must meet the prerequisites for both the oral and written sections of the TEF and achieve a minimum score of 14 out of 20 in the written expression test.

What Are the Test Components?

The TEF for studies in France consists of four core tests:

  1. Listening Comprehension: 40 minutes – 60 items
  2. Reading Comprehension: 60 minutes – 50 items
  3. Written Expression: 60 minutes – 2 topics to complete
  4. Vocabulary and Structures: 30 minutes – 40 items

Why Take the TEF?

Individuals choose to take the TEF for various reasons, including:

– Pursuing higher education in France (TEF for studies in France)

– Attaining French citizenship (TEF for Naturalization)

– Immigrating to Canada and obtaining Canadian citizenship (TEF Canada)

– Immigrating to Quebec (TEFAQ)

– Certifying one’s French language proficiency in the workplace

– Evaluating employees’ French language skills for recruitment

– Placing students in training programs or study abroad opportunities, and more.

Prepare for the TEF with our expert guidance and excel in your language journey with the School of French in Delhi.

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