Tips For Passing Your Chinese Exam

Chinese Exam

Chinese is a language that is becoming more and more different all over the world. Thus, more and more foreigners wish to learn it. Afterwards, they can take an exam to assess their level. Discover the different Chinese exams that exist:

This official test validates international skills in Chinese. It is divided either into 2 parts or into 3 depending on the level of the exam. Indeed, it consists of oral comprehension, written comprehension and written expression from HSK3.

BCT ou Business Chinese Test :

This is a more advanced exam in the Chinese language of business. The purpose of this exam is to test candidates’ ability to use Chinese in everyday life and for the business world. It is divided into two separate tests: oral and written comprehension, then oral and written expression.

This exam assesses the person’s ability to use a language in a large number of professional situations. It consists of a written comprehension and an oral comprehension. This official test assesses oral/written expression and oral/written comprehension. Follow our preparation courses

Our tips for your success:

First of all, our Institute offers preparation courses for each of the Chinese exams. These courses are taught by native and experienced Chinese teachers to guarantee you better exam results. Thus, we advise you to participate in it to allow you a good success. Attending preparation classes regularly and in a serious way can only be beneficial for you.

For this, our courses consist first of all of a free entry test to guide you towards the most relevant exam. Then, you will have the opportunity to take part in collective oral conversation workshops in order to make yourself comfortable speaking and to improve your pronunciation.  Chinese writing workshops are also set up.

Finally, to train you as well as possible for your exams, our teachers offer practice tests. Tips for practicing writing

Tips for practicing writing

Chinese exams all require a certain level of writing. For this, we advise you to train as much as possible on your side.

You can thus find subjects of written expressions on the internet and do them regularly, it turns out to be effective.

To better improve your written comprehension, we also advise you to read books or articles in Chinese.

pass the Chinese exam

In addition, Chinese exams also require a certain level of speaking. To improve or perfect your oral level, several tips are effective.

You can find a Chinese pen pal and chat with him. Indeed, exchanging with a Chinese correspondent will allow you to soak up a good accent and also to enrich your vocabulary. This method will allow you to improve your oral expression and to better prepare you to discuss with the exam jury.

Then, in order to improve your oral comprehension, we advise you to listen to Chinese regularly. For this, you can watch Chinese films and also listen to audio in Chinese such as podcasts, interviews, TV…

tips to pass the exam

Thus, by regularly practicing these small techniques, you will obtain a good level in Chinese both orally and in writing. Plus, you’ll be ready to rush through your Chinese exam with your head down.

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